Absolutely, routine physical exercise walks, jogs, bike riding and again fresh foods.
What support can be expected from the schools in managing diabetes during school hours?
Schools in Texas specifically incorporate a medical plan, safety plan, healthy plan, crisis plan provided by their doctors and parents. This is given to the school nurse to oversee during school hours.
What are the signs of a diabetes related emergency, and what steps should be taken at school or home?
Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar becomes too low. Early signs include shakiness, fast heart beat, excessive hunger and excessive sweating.
A blood sugar check should be provided immediately. Once numbers indicate low blood sugar provide a small cup of juice if the child is conscious. Recheck blood sugar in 15 minutes.
If the child is unconscious with low blood sugar and has a prescription or standing order for glucose administration, it should be given per prescribed route (nothing oral). The child should be taken to the hospital immediately for evaluation and stabilization.
Hyperglycemia occurs when blood sugar comes too high. Symptoms include excessive thirst, excessive urinating and dry mouth. Blood sugar should be checked. Treatment is typically insulin coverage per prescribed/ordered dose. A follow up appointment should be schedule with the provider for continuous hyperglycemic events.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis is commonly occurs in those diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Symptoms include dehydration, excessive thirst, fatigue, loss of appetite, malaise or weakness, fruity breath is a key symptom. Blood sugar is typically greater than 300. Extremely common in younger adults EMERGENCY. I absolutely recommend an emergency action plan. These are emergency events, inability to swallow, loss of consciousness and seizures. Call 911 immediately and don't attempt to give anything by mouth. Check blood sugar and if it is less than 70 glucose should be administered as prescribed.